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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First couple of ferret bedding things done. (Pic heavy)

This is the bedding I made for the top cage, where the 2 teenage ferrets reside.

"Mom, you cleaned our room again!  Yuck!"
Notice the litter on the fleece flooring?  That is why I have to take pics before they get in.  5 seconds in and already messy.  Boys!?!
The cage.  You can kind of see the bottom cage set I started.  Dragons and Flames.  Cool!
Ignore the messy living room.  I have a teenager living with me you know.
Pieces I made and then decided to sell.  You should see their bedding stash.  Let's just say, they have a 30 gallon tote full of it.  Nothing matches though, so I NEEDED to make a set.  Lol.
One side.
Other side.
Both together.  This was made with 100% cotton Quilting Squares.  The red fabric was a little larger, so I cut off the extra and made loops to hook the binder rings to.  Each square of fabric cost about $1
Matching Napkin Hammocks.

Showing the back side.  This is only 1 layer with eyelets in the corners to put binder rings through.  These were from Kmart, I believe, for $2/pair.

Matching Placemat Hammocks.  Once again, eyelets in each corner to hook binder rings through.

You can see the backside here.  These were bought at a thrift store for $1.99/pair.  Nice heavy cotton fabric on both sides.

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